Bookstore removes awkward sign over Shoah volume

Indigo said the sign

TORONTO — A midtown Toronto Indigo outlet has taken down a sign hawking a large Holocaust volume with the slogan “Oy Veh! Can’t believe I read the whole thing!”

The Indigo chain removed the sign March 12 at its store at Yonge Street and Eglinton Avenue after customers posted pictures of it on Twitter.

The sign was placed over racks holding the 768-page The Holocaust Chronicle, an encyclopedic treatment of the Jewish war-era experience in Europe published in 2000.

Huffington Post Canada journalist Marni Soupcoff launched the debate when she posted photos of the display, tweeting, “I’m not sure Indigo has struck quite the right tone here.”

Others on Twitter lambasted the company for poor taste.

“As soon as the sign was brought to our attention it was removed,” Indigo tweeted. “This does not reflect the values of our brand.”