Fitness Corner in review

For five years, I have written Fitness Corner on a monthly basis. As a personal trainer and fitness enthusiast, I have made fitness my life. Through this column, I have had the opportunity to share my love for health and fitness with you, and I have tried to motivate you by showing you all the different aspects of health and fitness.

I have written often on the benefits of regular exercise – how it lowers your risk of heart disease, obesity and all types of cancers, that consistent exercise can improve your mobility, arthritis pain, back pain, diabetes and immune health.

We looked at the importance of weight training, yoga and stretching to improve our balance and strength and maintain activities of daily living as we age. I have shared the importance of kegel exercises for everyone, men and women alike, as well as core training for long-term support and the health of your back.

I have told you of the many benefits of boxing, tai chi, pole walking, dancing, aerobics, Pilates, aquafit and many more forms of exercise. And I shared how vigorous activity before can help you recover after surgery, and even help prevent prostate cancer.

I have wrritten about the importance of weight training in slowing down and preventing osteoporosis as well as during and after menopause for preventing postmenopausal diabetes and heart disease. We talked about how seniors who resistance train can improve their health and wellness into their 70s, 80s and beyond, which I hope showed you it is never too late to start.

I showed you how to start or pick a program that suits your needs and fit level. Advised you on treating and preventing injuries for flexibility and long-term strength. Educated you on the importance of sleep and hydration along with exercise in your daily routine.

Over the years, I hope I have inspired you to move and try to make your workouts fun, challenging and safe.

Even though I won’t be here anymore, you can join me, and more fitness columns. Join my Facebook group at Felyce’s Fitness Corner.

Want to learn more, visit me at [email protected].